Please read the instructions below carefully.

CMH Lahore Medical College & Institute of Dentistry (CMH LMC & IOD) is a PMDC accredited institution eligible to induct PMDC provisionally registered BDS House Officers for completion of the clinical rotation. The completion of the clinical rotation for 12 months is a prerequisite for full/permanent registration of BDS graduates, in order to grant them the license to practice. It augments the professional development of a dental graduate.


The objectives of this one-year training program are to,

  • Train dental graduates to manage dental problems in a competent, skillful and empathetic manner.
  • Guide dental graduates towards self-directed learning and pursue continuing professional education.
  • Train dental graduates to become effective and competent leaders in the dental profession.
  • Develop critical thinking abilities in dental graduates to perform research in clinical and basic sciences.


Induction Process

Eligibility Criteria

1. BDS Degree from a PM&DC recognized institution.

Documents Required

1. Application to the Dean IOD for House Job in CMH LMC & IOD.

2. Updated CV.

3. Performa on Judicial Paper of Rs. 20/- (Performa format is available on the college Website).

4. Copy of BDS Mark Sheets of all Professionals (Attested).

5. Copy of Transcripts (Attested).

6. PMDC Provisional Registration Certificate (Attested).

7. Two Passport size photographs white background (One attested on back and one attested on front).

8. CNIC Copy (Attested).

General rules

1. The induction process for House Officers is a biannual activity, carried out each year, as per the timeline of final Professional examinations of BDS graduates of CMH LMC and IOD. The availability of slots for mid-year induction is entirely dependent upon the status of continuation of House Job of regular candidates for that specific year.

2. A total of 75 paid seats are available annually for regular CMH LMC and IOD graduates, while 3 paid seats are for (W & R) category. Graduates of CMH LMC and IOD of the current graduating batch will be preferred for regular entry, followed by old graduates of CMH LMC and IOD.

3. Vacancy for foreign graduates or graduates of colleges other than CMH LMC and IOD shall be subjected to the availability of slots after complete registration of CMH LMC and IOD graduates. Interested participants will submit a physical application to CMH LMC and IOD. The candidate will submit PKR 5000/- as an “Application Processing Fee”. Candidates will be shortlisted on merit criteria and interviewed. Final selection is done on performance in interview.

4. Three absents from Professional development lectures shall result in one day salary deduction.

5. Working hours for a House Officer will be from 08:00 am to 03:00 pm (Monday to Friday). Lack of compliance to attendance/duty hours will result in disciplinary action.

6. A House Officer shall maintain an e-portfolio (Annexure I) to record the professional activities and credentials, achieved during the one year duration.

7. One month pay will be forfeited or deposited by CMH LMC and IOD upon termination due to absence from duty.

8. A dental graduate needs to acquire core competencies.

Joining Process:

1. On orientation day, at the start of House job, CMH LMC & IOD shall offer a contract to the House Officer for signatures, which will be counter signed by In-charge House Officers’ Program and Dean IOD.

2. Ceremony will be held on the orientation day. Dean IOD and Incharge House Officers’ Program shall formally introduce the incoming House Officers to the institutional rules and regulations.

3. A House Officer will be provided an institutional identity card at the time of commencement for the House Job, on submission of his/her biometric records to the college authorities. In case of misplacement, Rs.500 will be charged for reissuance.

4. On induction, a House Officer is bound to deposit PKR 60,000/-, as a security to CMH LMC and IOD, which will be refunded to the House Officer on satisfactory completion of House Job. Security will be forfeited by CMH LMC and IOD, upon termination due to absence from duty.

5. House Officers will report to the respective departments as per the given clinical rotation schedule.

Professional Development Program

Institute of Dentistry: CMH LMC has following facilities for clinical training of BDS House Officers with the given timelines.



Comprehensive Care Dentistry and Implant Clinic

Operative Dentistry and Endodontics



Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Oral Medicine and Radiology


3 months

1.5 months

1.5 months

1.5 months

1.5 months

1 months

1 months

1 months